Colin Green: Portland Copywriter, Publisher

Book Interior Design


To cre­ate, with lim­it­ed resources, inte­ri­or designs for books. These book project also involved the chal­lenge of cre­at­ing elec­tron­ic author­ing envi­ron­ments — “tem­plates” — in which writ­ers could effi­cient­ly and suc­cess­ful­ly work. 


I have successfully designed several book interiors. The design work included everything from body and display type selection to adjustments of leading and kerning, from choosing note-graphics to folio construction, from glossary design to the table of contents format and pagination strategy.

 Click to view a sample of book interior design. (Unfortunately, all I have electronically is a draft version in PDF, which still contains some windows, orphans, etc.)